Mark, I loaded v211 and the reboot problem seems to remain. I still don't know why the breakdance file isn't found. It seems perfecly normal in the directory. I deleted it and recopied it to the Empeg from an archived copy with the same result as shown below:

Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
No secondary hard disk
Abnormal player termination
Player received signal 11
Starting player

player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00-beta11 2002/02/08.
Loading dancefile: "/empeg/lib/visuals/Air"
! visual_Loading dancefile: "/empeg/lib/visuals/princedance.raw"
callback.cpp: 339:Failed to open file required by visuals libraryLoading dancefi
le: "/empeg/lib/visuals/newPoleDancer.raw"
"/empeg/lib/visuals/breakdance.raw": No such file or directory
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Feb 7 2002
Vcb: 0x4086d000
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1049:Failed to find valid sync after seeking to offset 7038
75, error=0xc0044000

I then commented out all of the dance= statements in config.ini and now the reboot problem is gone. So, then I noticed that breakdance is the next statement after time_offset= in config.ini so I put the dance= back and commented out the time_offset= statement and it is still ok. Is this related to the sequence of these statements in config.ini? Then I tried putting time_offset= after all of the dance= and the reboot after Analogue Clock in the visuals+ sequence (Flancedoor is right after Analogue Clock in my sequence) is back but now it is balking at stonkdance.raw.

Restored terminal settings
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
No secondary hard disk
Abnormal player termination
Player received signal 11
Starting player

player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00-beta11 2002/02/08.
pp: 339:Failed to open file required by visuals library "/empeg/lib/visuals/ston
kdance.raw": No such file or directory
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Feb 7 2002
Vcb: 0x4086d000
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1049:Failed to find valid sync after seeking to offset 6863
955, error=0xc0044000

Since Flancedoor is not a big deal for me I'll be ok now with dance= commented out. This seems like a real obscure quirk that isn't worth much time unless it is a clue to something else.

